
          Member of  ScriptUtils Use LogLineBeginTypes object 

Defines additional values on a beginning of the log line.
blDefault = &HFFFFFFFF-1  Default value. Same as blDateTime.
blNone = &H0 No additional values.
blDate = &H1 Date field (without time)
blTime = &H2 Time field in hh:mm:ss format
blDateTime = &H4 Date and time field
blCounter = &H8 Line counter.
blTickCount = &H1016  Number of miliseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. Low resolution counter.
blmilisecond = &H2032  Number of miliseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. The number came from the high-resolution counter.
blmicrosecond = &H4064  Number of microseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. The number came from the high-resolution counter.
blhrCounter = &H80128  High-resolution performance counter (See hrCounter property).
blProcessID = &H100256  ID of process, which writes line to the log file
blProcessKernelTime = &H200512  The amount of time that the process has executed in kernel mode.
blProcessUserTime = &H4001 024  The amount of time that the process has executed in user mode.
blThreadID = &H10004 096  ID of thread, which writes line to the log file
blThreadKernelTime = &H20008 192  The amount of time that the thread has executed in kernel mode.
blThreadUserTime = &H400016 384  The amount of time that the thread has executed in user mode.
'LogLineBeginTypes - begin
Public Const blDefault = &HFFFFFFFF 'Default value. Same as blDateTime.
Public Const blNone = &H0 'No additional values.
Public Const blDate = &H1 'Date field (without time)
Public Const blTime = &H2 'Time field in hh:mm:ss format
Public Const blDateTime = &H4 'Date and time field
Public Const blCounter = &H8 'Line counter.
Public Const blTickCount = &H10 'Number of miliseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. Low resolution counter.
Public Const blmilisecond = &H20 'Number of miliseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. The number came from the high-resolution counter.
Public Const blmicrosecond = &H40 'Number of microseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. The number came from the high-resolution counter.
Public Const blhrCounter = &H80 'High-resolution performance counter (See hrCounter property).
Public Const blProcessID = &H100 'ID of process, which writes line to the log file
Public Const blProcessKernelTime = &H200 'The amount of time that the process has executed in kernel mode.
Public Const blProcessUserTime = &H400 'The amount of time that the process has executed in user mode.
Public Const blThreadID = &H1000 'ID of thread, which writes line to the log file
Public Const blThreadKernelTime = &H2000 'The amount of time that the thread has executed in kernel mode.
Public Const blThreadUserTime = &H4000 'The amount of time that the thread has executed in user mode.
'LogLineBeginTypes - end
'LogLineBeginTypes - begin
Public Const blDefault As Long = &HFFFFFFFF 'Default value. Same as blDateTime.
Public Const blNone As Long = &H0 'No additional values.
Public Const blDate As Long = &H1 'Date field (without time)
Public Const blTime As Long = &H2 'Time field in hh:mm:ss format
Public Const blDateTime As Long = &H4 'Date and time field
Public Const blCounter As Long = &H8 'Line counter.
Public Const blTickCount As Long = &H10 'Number of miliseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. Low resolution counter.
Public Const blmilisecond As Long = &H20 'Number of miliseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. The number came from the high-resolution counter.
Public Const blmicrosecond As Long = &H40 'Number of microseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. The number came from the high-resolution counter.
Public Const blhrCounter As Long = &H80 'High-resolution performance counter (See hrCounter property).
Public Const blProcessID As Long = &H100 'ID of process, which writes line to the log file
Public Const blProcessKernelTime As Long = &H200 'The amount of time that the process has executed in kernel mode.
Public Const blProcessUserTime As Long = &H400 'The amount of time that the process has executed in user mode.
Public Const blThreadID As Long = &H1000 'ID of thread, which writes line to the log file
Public Const blThreadKernelTime As Long = &H2000 'The amount of time that the thread has executed in kernel mode.
Public Const blThreadUserTime As Long = &H4000 'The amount of time that the thread has executed in user mode.
'LogLineBeginTypes - end
Public Enum LogLineBeginTypes
  blDefault = &HFFFFFFFF 'Default value. Same as blDateTime.
  blNone = &H0 'No additional values.
  blDate = &H1 'Date field (without time)
  blTime = &H2 'Time field in hh:mm:ss format
  blDateTime = &H4 'Date and time field
  blCounter = &H8 'Line counter.
  blTickCount = &H10 'Number of miliseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. Low resolution counter.
  blmilisecond = &H20 'Number of miliseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. The number came from the high-resolution counter.
  blmicrosecond = &H40 'Number of microseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. The number came from the high-resolution counter.
  blhrCounter = &H80 'High-resolution performance counter (See hrCounter property).
  blProcessID = &H100 'ID of process, which writes line to the log file
  blProcessKernelTime = &H200 'The amount of time that the process has executed in kernel mode.
  blProcessUserTime = &H400 'The amount of time that the process has executed in user mode.
  blThreadID = &H1000 'ID of thread, which writes line to the log file
  blThreadKernelTime = &H2000 'The amount of time that the thread has executed in kernel mode.
  blThreadUserTime = &H4000 'The amount of time that the thread has executed in user mode.
End Enum 'LogLineBeginTypes
//LogLineBeginTypes - begin
var blDefault = 0xFFFFFFFF; //Default value. Same as blDateTime.
var blNone = 0x0; //No additional values.
var blDate = 0x1; //Date field (without time)
var blTime = 0x2; //Time field in hh:mm:ss format
var blDateTime = 0x4; //Date and time field
var blCounter = 0x8; //Line counter.
var blTickCount = 0x10; //Number of miliseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. Low resolution counter.
var blmilisecond = 0x20; //Number of miliseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. The number came from the high-resolution counter.
var blmicrosecond = 0x40; //Number of microseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. The number came from the high-resolution counter.
var blhrCounter = 0x80; //High-resolution performance counter (See hrCounter property).
var blProcessID = 0x100; //ID of process, which writes line to the log file
var blProcessKernelTime = 0x200; //The amount of time that the process has executed in kernel mode.
var blProcessUserTime = 0x400; //The amount of time that the process has executed in user mode.
var blThreadID = 0x1000; //ID of thread, which writes line to the log file
var blThreadKernelTime = 0x2000; //The amount of time that the thread has executed in kernel mode.
var blThreadUserTime = 0x4000; //The amount of time that the thread has executed in user mode.
//LogLineBeginTypes - end
// LogLineBeginTypes
typedef [helpstring("Defines additional values on a beginning of the log line.")]
enum LogLineBeginTypes{
	[helpstring("Default value. Same as blDateTime.")]
		blDefault = 0xFFFFFFFF,
	[helpstring("No additional values.")]
		blNone = 0x0,
	[helpstring("Date field (without time)")]
		blDate = 0x1,
	[helpstring("Time field in hh:mm:ss format")]
		blTime = 0x2,
	[helpstring("Date and time field")]
		blDateTime = 0x4,
	[helpstring("Line counter.")]
		blCounter = 0x8,
	[helpstring("Number of miliseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. Low resolution counter.")]
		blTickCount = 0x10,
	[helpstring("Number of miliseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. The number came from the high-resolution counter.")]
		blmilisecond = 0x20,
	[helpstring("Number of microseconds that have elapsed since the LogFile object was created. The number came from the high-resolution counter.")]
		blmicrosecond = 0x40,
	[helpstring("High-resolution performance counter (See hrCounter property).")]
		blhrCounter = 0x80,
	[helpstring("ID of process, which writes line to the log file")]
		blProcessID = 0x100,
	[helpstring("The amount of time that the process has executed in kernel mode.")]
		blProcessKernelTime = 0x200,
	[helpstring("The amount of time that the process has executed in user mode.")]
		blProcessUserTime = 0x400,
	[helpstring("ID of thread, which writes line to the log file")]
		blThreadID = 0x1000,
	[helpstring("The amount of time that the thread has executed in kernel mode.")]
		blThreadKernelTime = 0x2000,
	[helpstring("The amount of time that the thread has executed in user mode.")]
		blThreadUserTime = 0x4000
} LogLineBeginTypes;
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  Other links for LogLineBeginTypes class
ScriptUtilities and Huge ASP file upload classes
      Easy to use, hi-performance ASP file upload component with progress bar indicator. Let's you upload multiple files with size up to 2GB to a disk or database along with another form fields. Works with large posts, any character set (including unicode utf-8). Contains one-click multiple files/folders download with on-the-fly compression (Using BinaryWrite/BinaryRead).
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       Lets you work with safearray binary data in VBS/JS. It also enables conversion between binary and String data using several code pages. ZLib compress and uncompress functions. Lets you transfer files using compressed stream from a client to server using IE.
      This library also enables calling of some Kernel and Advapi functions (performance, timing, sleep, configuration ...) and enables native work with INI files.

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